Monday, September 28, 2009

Green Scarf, As Made by Patty...


I found this Man's Scarf here and I decided that it was the perfect scarf for Autumn. I began the scarf about a month ago and while the pattern seemed easy enough, I had to frog it 3 times before I was finally able to finish it. After the 3rd frogging, I was able to complete the scarf in one week's time and I am very pleased with the results. I used Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand Worsted Yarn in Olive and size 10 bamboo needles as recommended in the pattern. If you are in need of a scarf that can be made quickly that looks amazing for Fall, then I highly recommend this scarf!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Christmas Gifts....What Knitting is All About.

I'm working on knitted Christmas gifts for my parents and in-laws. While the Lions Brand Prayer Shawls  for my mother and mother-in-law are progressing nicely, the Vintage Man's Knitted Scarf for my father has proved extremely tedious. I'm 3 months in and I'm just a little over 1/3 of the way done. The dimensions seem easy enough, 11" by 45", but given the fact that I am using size 2 knitting needles and had to cast on 80 stitches while working in an alternating 5 row K5, P5 pattern, the endeavor is taking a very long time. Each 5 row pattern is 1/2 an inch so I must complete 10 rows per inch. I know I shouldn't worry because Christmas is still over 3 months away, but I worry that I will not be finished in time. I love knitting and the more projects I complete, the happier I am, but this current set of projects has me a bit stressed. I know, just finish them one at a time and stop worrying about it. Easier said than done. Much easier said than done.Breathe in. Breathe out. There, that's better.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

RIP Patrick Swayze

When I was a young girl age 13, I had a crush on two Hollywood Heart Throbs, Patrick Swayze and Johnny Depp. Over the years, my feelings for these two men have never faltered. Today, one of those beautiful men has passed away. Patrick Swayze had such an amazing presence in Ghost and Dirty Dancing that I bet any woman who was a teenager when these films came out have forgotten "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" and "It's amazing, Molly! The love inside, you take it with you." My heart aches today for this man and his loss will always be part of my life. Goodbye, Mr. Swayze. May your journey to the other side be as beautiful as your life here on Earth!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sarah's Brunch Birthday Party

Rather than make Sarah wait until tonight to have her party, we decided to include it into our wonderful family tradition: Saturday Brunch. Though the party only lasted a few minutes,  because as soon as Sarah opened her gifts she ran to her room to play with them, it was one of the sweetest and no doubt most joyous experiences of her young life. As I type this, she is in her room playing with her toys and constantly expressing how happy she is on this day. I am so glad that she is happy and I will look back on this day fondly for many years to come. Many Happy Returns, My Princess!!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Early Morning Rain a.k.a. Bullets from Heaven

All this week, I have enjoyed the rain that has fallen from the normally sunny sky. This morning as the week reaches its conclusion and the weekend is quickly approaching, heavy rain drops have fallen from the sky like Bullets from Heaven. Not bullets that harm, but bullets that cleanse, clearing a path for new growth and new life. I took some pics from my front door of the beautiful, powerful, cleansing rain.
Though the rain has cleared up a bit at my home, the rest of this fair city is experiencing Mother Nature's purest elixir as it falls to Earth and brings healing and renewal. Healing and Renewal that was long overdue in this desert-like climate and seemly unending drought. 

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sarah's Birthday...Nostalgia at its Best.

Five years ago today, I gave birth to my 3rd child. I had been so excited for her arrival because after two boys, ages 7 and 4 at the time, I really wanted a girl. The delivery was easy and she was as beautiful as her father and I had hoped. Over the last five years, she has brought our family so much joy and on this day, I look back through the years and I realize that though she is no longer a baby, she is exactly what I imagined that she would be. On Saturday, we will celebrate her birthday together as the strong family unit we have always been. She is my daughter, my princess and my heart. With tears in my eyes, I am remembering the baby that she was, the girl she is now and the woman she will one day be. Happy Birthday, Sarah!


Land's End FeelGood Campaign

Between now and September 16th, Land's End is donating one cone of yarn to the Warming Families Charity, a charity that provides warm clothing to the homeless, for every blog written about the campaign. In exchange for each post being submitted to, the poster will be entered in a drawing for items from the FeelGood Collection valued at $200.

There is a Land's End FeelGood Twitter Party on September 16th from 7 t0 9 Pm at #landsend.

Please consider blogging about this wonderful campaign and attending the Twitter Party.
